How Big Can a Cockroach Get?

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There are 4,000 types of cockroaches on Earth, with 40 of them being found right here in the United States. Cockroaches are filthy pests known for spreading diseases and even provoking asthma or allergies. Knowing the size of a cockroach can help you identify what species it is. Do you know how big a cockroach can get? See below for the most common species of household cockroaches and their sizes.

A large blueberry is about the size of a brownbanded cockroach - How Big Can a Cockroach Get? A brownbanded cockroach is about the size of a large blueberry - How Big Can a Cockroach Get?

Brownbanded cockroaches can be half an inch long, or the size of a large blueberry.

A Cheez-It is about the size of an Oriental cockroach - How Big Can a Cockroach Get? An Oriental cockroach is about the size of a Cheez-It - How Big Can a Cockroach Get?

Oriental cockroaches are about an inch long, or the width of a Cheez-It.

A cucumber slice is about the size of an American cockroach - How Big Can a Cockroach Get? An American cockroach is about the size of a cucumber slice - How Big Can a Cockroach Get?

American cockroaches can grow to be 1.5-2 inches long, or about the size of a cucumber slice.

An avocado is about the size of a giant burrowing cockroach - How Big Can a Cockroach Get? A giant burrowing cockroach is about the size of an avocado - How Big Can a Cockroach Get?

Giant burrowing cockroaches are around 3.5 inches long, or the size of an avocado. They sure do live up to their name!


Photo Credit:

Michigan State University

Western Exterminator Company



Rooftop Post

The National Pest Management Association

